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Home Arts & Crafts, DIY DECOUPAGE CRACKLE & TEXTURE PASTES PENTART - Shimmer glaze 150 ml pearlescent white

PENTART - Shimmer glaze 150 ml pearlescent white

Price: €660
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  • 43740
  • 0.200 Kgs

Give a subtle shimmering e­ect to your objects and furniture. The glaze has a gel consistency, it is easy to spread, and it can be used on both dark and light surfaces. Wipe back when wet to create a less intensive e­ect or apply in several layers to enhance the shine. Recommended as a ‑nal layer, especially for furniture, it can be combined very well with Dekor Paint Chalky. Due to its wax content, it is water repellent and protects the surface. Available in metallic and pearl white colours.